Time for the 6 month (!!!) check in. It truly is unbelievable how quickly time goes and how much the munchkin grows every day. At 6 months, she was at 16 lbs 11 oz and 26.75 inches. A true runt ;)
Over the past month or so, she's discovered her toes. After several weeks of futile attempts, I was finally able to document her partaking of her phalanges:
Tasty, tasty toes.
She's becoming more and more vocal, ranging from high pitched shrieks (always a joy) to low groaning as she falls asleep. Her zerberting skills have skyrocketed, particularly because she practices every day. And though she doesn't seem quite as interested in crawling, she wants to stand constantly (assisted, of course) and can almost sit on her own. I use my pregnancy pillow around the house so she can sit with a little help (and so I can put her down somewhere safe):
She's getting more hair, enough to style anyway - here's her tribute to punk rock with the fauxhawk:
Finally, she saw her first parade over Memorial Day, complete with Civil War reenactors who fired their guns right in front of us - scaring the bejeezus out of babe and parents alike! Other than that, she really seemed to enjoy herself watching all the people and new things:
And, yes, her hair is definitely red. Don't know where that came from but it is clear that it is more red than anything else at this point.
She remains a constant joy and happiness in our lives. Coming soon, first swim lessons!!