Sunday, November 28, 2010

Still here, still pregnant

Okay, 10 days overdue now. And truly, I'm 10 days overdue. I've had several people say, "Overdue is relative. You can't know exactly when you're due." With us, that's not exactly true. We know to the day how old this baby is. We could probably find out to the minute what time it was conceived if we called the lab! I think that, in part, plays into the frustration we feel when we're told to be patient, the baby will decide when to come. It's not as though we're playing with any uncertainty here.

In any case, we're still pregnant. And, yes, I've tried everything. I walk everyday. I meditate. I stretch. My doula or Stephen does acupressure on my every day. I've done acupuncture a few times. I've had my membranes stripped. I've even tried castor oil and herbs (according to a regiment given to me by my midwives). Spicy food, well, is not much of an option since I eat it all the time. And relaxing, I'm doing my best but there are times when I just have to let myself feel the way I'm feeling!

Thanks to you who have offered words of support and love. I'll keep you posted and hopefully have good news of arrival VERY soon!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Okay, it's time

I realize that many women wait longer than this for a baby (goodness knows I've heard about most of them!) but I've decided it's time for Turklet to arrive. I know that there's nothing to do but wait (Stephen and I have decided against induction unless completely necessary) but, goodness!, I think 4 years is a long enough time to wait for this little one.

Anyhow, here's today's pic:

I don't this this Turklet needs to bake any longer!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blue moon!

During an acupressure session with my doula yesterday, she mentioned that tonight would be a blue moon. I knew that it was going to be a full moon (and hoping for evidence of the anecdotes of its impact on labor) but didn't know about the blue moon status. She sent me this article: If only amusing, it adds some punch to the mystical power of the day (and night) in our continuing hopes that Turklet is not, indeed, waiting to be born on Thanksgiving.

Also in our conversations, I mentioned to her that my Braxton Hicks contractions had gotten more noticeable. Her response was, "Well, that's an excellent sign - that could very well be your experience of early labor." I thought to myself, "Hmm, really? Labor without pain? Wouldn't that be a treat, even if it is only a small portion of the work to meet the babe." Anyhow, we'll see how that pans out - if the more intense tightening in my belly does indeed lead to more productive work in my body. As has been made clear, time will tell!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

An attempt to amuse and inform

In response to a friend's request, now that I'm officially post-date ( the PC version of overdue) I'll try to post something everyday to keep everyone informed.

Yesterday our wonderful doula, Elizabeth, came over to show us some acupressure points that might help to encourage labor. Later that night, as we relaxed watching episodes of Deadwood, Stephen applied what we had learned. Nothing. Today I went to a naturopath who specializes in prenatal and labor acupuncture. She found the spots quickly and though I haven't really had any cramping the Braxton Hicks have picked up and intensified. Here's to hoping that that turns into something more productive very soon!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, today's the due date. Pshaw! I don't need no stinkin' due date. Apparently there are two Rose "curses" - we don't do boys (as evidenced by the 3 Rose girls and 6.5 Rose grandgirls) and we are always overdue. I had my 40-week appointment yesterday and was hoping for a membrane sweep to get things going. Our midwives don't do internal exams until 40 weeks and then offer membrane sweeps. Well, things looked pretty good - cervix is soft and anterior - but the cervix was only partly dilated (1 cm) and she couldn't get in to do the sweep! 50% effacement at this point, which is better than nothing, but I was hoping for more at this point.

So, basically, this kid is our initial training in patience - over 3 years to get pregnant in the first place and not the babe's hangin' on. Look, I know it's cozy in there but I promise I have some very soft blankets and loving arms waiting for you out here!

To steal from my friend, Krista, I'm ready for this inside baby to be an outside baby!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Just a little update

So, had my 38 week (!!) appointment with the midwife yesterday. We finally had our car seat inspected and installed. I still haven't packed our bags for the birthing center but I figure that's okay (maybe it's just wishful thinking).

Everything looks good. Turklet has moved down but is not yet fully engaged. I'm expecting we won't see the little squirt until we're supposed to (I'm hoping not too much later!). The heart is sounding great - strong and steady - and this kid can move!

Anyhoo, I'm feeling okay if only a little tired and filled to capacity. I'm not yet in full waddle mode but am noticing the increased effort to roll over in bed and to put the harnesses on the dogs for our daily walk. Moving a little slower but still chuggin' along!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For the benefit of (mom's and sisters') wondering minds

So, I think the turklet is gaining a little weight - here's the different from about 2 weeks ago (36 weeks) and today (just under 38 weeks):

Geez, looking at them I can't even believe the difference. No wonder I'm getting tired so much more easily!! Here's to seeing the babe soon!!!!