Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, today's the due date. Pshaw! I don't need no stinkin' due date. Apparently there are two Rose "curses" - we don't do boys (as evidenced by the 3 Rose girls and 6.5 Rose grandgirls) and we are always overdue. I had my 40-week appointment yesterday and was hoping for a membrane sweep to get things going. Our midwives don't do internal exams until 40 weeks and then offer membrane sweeps. Well, things looked pretty good - cervix is soft and anterior - but the cervix was only partly dilated (1 cm) and she couldn't get in to do the sweep! 50% effacement at this point, which is better than nothing, but I was hoping for more at this point.

So, basically, this kid is our initial training in patience - over 3 years to get pregnant in the first place and not the babe's hangin' on. Look, I know it's cozy in there but I promise I have some very soft blankets and loving arms waiting for you out here!

To steal from my friend, Krista, I'm ready for this inside baby to be an outside baby!!!!!


  1. Cullen was two whole weeks late! Hang in there! Once they're out you can't put them back in (even though sometimes you wish you could!)
    Lots of Love from the Javers Clan.

  2. We're not holding our breath for that indie-minded baby to choose an arrival date, but we're pretty darn excited! Thanks for sharing your blog so that we can keep up with the 2.99 of you.

  3. Noa was five days late... remember a baby can't be late for their own birthday! Thinking of you!
