Last week, I got to celebrate my first mother's day! Though Stephen was out of town and we didn't get to hang out with him, A and I definitely got the most out of the weekend. After a chill Friday night just enjoying the outdoors with the pooches, we hit the hay to prepare for Annika's first 5K! Saturday morning, we headed out to Shoreham to walk (I'm not quite ready to run a 5K yet) the Apple Blossom Derby 5K. It was such an incredible course. Though the day was a little overcast, it was a perfect day for the race. We wound through apple orchards and beautiful farms to end up on the small green in Shoreham. Annika slept the whole race (she was in her Chariot - the Land Rover of jogging strollers) and woke up almost immediately after we crossed the finish line. We schmoozed with the other racers and enjoyed the great post-race food. Annika especially enjoyed watching all of the kids as they danced to the music and played on the nearby playground. Then, as we were chatting with some other moms and their babies, I heard my name over the loud-speaker - we had won our age group for the 5K walk! Here's Annika proudly holding our medal:

After the race, we got ready for our next social event. We went to a bbq to say goodbye to our friends, Jess and Orion, before they headed to China for the summer. A had the chance to hang out with her friends (and so did I!).
Mother's day was calm - we went for a very long walk with the pooches and then just strolled around town. It was a beautiful day and we spent as much time outside as possible.
The following weekend was equally as busy. Friday was the 6-month appointment. A continues to grow - 16 lbs 11 oz and 26.75 inches. There's no question that this is one healthy baby :)
Saturday was Farmer's Market day - particularly because there was going to be a petting zoo! Annika said hello to George, the 6-week-old pig:
She was very curious though quickly realized that this was not one of her puppies! George definitely took an interest in her as well.
After a busy day at the market, Annika and I both needed a nap. We zonked out and Stephen decided to document the event :) All in all, life is good. We have the sweetest baby in the world, Stephen's defending his dissertation next week (can I get a what what!) and warmer weather is here! What more do you need for pure bliss (besides a little chocolate).
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