Sunday, April 3, 2011

4 months!

Annika's now 4 months old - and keeping up her rep as a heavy weight. Her last weigh in was 15 lbs 13 oz with a length of 26 inches. Our pediatrician (the amazing Dr. Kate!) is convinced that she's going to be outgrow both of us. I can't say I disagree. There are clothes in the drawer that she's either worn once or not at all because by the time we got to them she was already too long! Goodness!

Anyhow, the past couple months have been busy. A. had her first plane trip to Cincy at the beginning of March to meet PawPaw, Grandma Lisa, Aunt Tara, Uncle Matt and her cousins, Kirsta, Kincaid and Kaydance (and I can't forget Linda and Addy as well as Edna and Phil and a quick glimpse of Uncle Mike). She was a rock star!! She slept for the 2-hour trip from Burlington to Chicago and then was smiley and played with me for the nearly hour trip from Chicago to Cincy (and had a comparably easy trip on the way back). During the layovers, she chilled in the Beco and dozed off a couple times (though was much more interested in the hustle and bustle of the Chicago and Dulles airports).

Great times all around in Cincy:

Other new things this month: advances in belly time (including getting up on her knees - NOOOO!!!), stroller time (see pic below) and getting to know and appreciate toys (also, see below). We continue to have great fun with her and she remains the amazingly happy and loving baby that she has been from the start. I never thought I would be happy to wake up at 5 nearly every morning but how can I help it when I see her smiling face!? :)

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